Exercise to a Healthy Heart

No matter how much attention you pay to your diet, you are at risk of a heart attack if you don't exercise.

Lack of exercise is the single worst risk factor for heart disease for both men and women, yet seven out of ten adults don't do enough.

This doesn't mean you have to rush to your local gym: becoming just a little more active will make a real difference.

Think of exercise in terms of everyday activity: the more you do, the better your fitness and the lower your risk of heart disease.

How does exercise help heart disease?

Being physically active halves your risk of heart disease. This is because exercise:

  • lowers blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for heart disease

  • increases good HDL cholesterol that transports fat away from the arteries and back to the liver for processing

  • may reduce levels of bad LDL cholesterol that can form fatty deposits in the arteries and contribute to heart disease

  • improves circulation by preventing blood clots that can lead to heart attack and stroke

  • increases fat loss

  • helps weight-loss

  • builds muscle mass.

Exercise also reduces stress by releasing feel-good hormones called endorphins.

How much exercise is enough?

A 30-40 minute brisk walk three times a week is enough to improve your fitness level and reduce your cardiovascular risk.

If you are at increased risk of heart disease and stroke, you should aim to exercise for 30 minutes on five days out of seven, if not daily.

Any one of the following increases your risk of heart disease and stroke:

  • smoking

  • being overweight

  • diabetes

  • high cholesterol

  • high blood pressure

  • family history of heart disease.

How can I increase activity levels?

Some simple ways to increase activity levels are:

  • take the stairs or walk up escalators to tone your legs and buttocks

  • walk to the shops instead of driving, and carry the shopping bags home to give your arms a good workout

  • cycle or walk short journeys rather than using the car

  • get off the bus or train a stop early

  • use your lunch break to go for a stroll.

You can split the recommended 30 minutes into manageable chunks – for example a ten minute walk to and from the bus stop to your place of work, plus a five minute walk to the shops and back.

Energetic household chores like vacuuming, washing the windows and gardening also count as exercise.

You may want to invest in a pedometer, an electronic device that clips on your waistband and records how many steps are taken. This will give you a base level from which to increase. Experts recommend 10,000 steps a day.

Finally, weekends are a great opportunity to be more active. From country walks to busy shopping trips and leisure centres to health spas, there is a range of venues and activities to suit everyone.

How do I get started?

Beginning an exercise plan can be difficult if you've been out of the habit for a while.

Talk to your doctor if you're over 40 or you are unsure about whether it's safe to start.

People with high blood pressure, angina or who already have a heart problem should always consult a doctor before starting any exercise programme.

Most people can take regular exercise at a level that benefits them. At first this may mean a daily five-minute walk and then building it up by five minutes each week.

How do I know if it's working?

Exercise means raising your heart beat - you may experience this with a gentle stroll or need to walk briskly.

You should feel your body working quite hard, but still be able to talk.

Don't exercise at one level: build to a maximum pace and then slow down before the end of the session.

Always warm up at the start of a session, and take time to cool down at the end with some simple stretches.

Five ways to get fit

  • Find a friend to exercise with. This increases your motivation to get to that class or gym session.

  • Join an exercise class. There's a huge range on offer, from body combat to the more traditional legs, bums and tums. Your local leisure centre will have a list, and they often cater for different groups such as over-50s and pregnant women. It may take a little while to feel comfortable with the new moves, but you will improve after a few weeks.

  • Join a health club that's easy for you to get to. Take advantage of the instructors' experience to get you started on an appropriate exercise programme.

  • For something more gentle and controlled, try yoga or Pilates. These are excellent alternatives for building muscle strength, tone and flexibility.

  • For more Consult at  [email protected]