Procedure for Prefight Medical Check up
and Its Effects
DGCA - Aircraft rule 24 -
Prohibition on consumption of intoxicating and
psychoactive substance.
The testing
is to be carried out by a Doctor (MBBS) in
maximum privacy in a pre – designated
preflight room. Random testing is to be
done, both of cockpit and cabin crew
including at foreign stations.
On reporting
to the doctor the crew signs the undertaking
in the preflight examination book that “I
confirm that I am not under the influence of
alcohol” and put the date and time. Pages of
this pre flight book should be serially
numbered and in a bound form.
Crew is then subjected to the
test. If initially the reading is more than
000, the reading is recorded and a repeat
test is carried out after 15 min. The crew
is permitted to wash his face, rinse his
A control test is done on the
machine in this period of 15 min. to
reconfirm the serviceability of the machine.
The second test is done in the
presence of a witness who is either the duty
Officer Flight Dispatch or Airport Manager
(at outstations).
If the second test is
satisfactory (reading of 000), the crew is
cleared for flight.
If this crew refuses to under go
the second test he is deemed to have tested
positive. In such a scenario or if the crew
tests positive in the second test, he / she
is to be taken off flight.
The serial number and the
calibration of the machine is to be noted in
all positive cases.
Under no circumstance a third
test is to be carried out. Also no blood
test is to be done.
All positive cases are to be
reported to the Air Safety department of
Total avoidance of
alcohol should be a key element observed by
every pilot in planning or accomplishing a